Friday, November 2, 2012

the coming of spring

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

Psalm 126:5-6, TNIV

Sadness sings a dismal note:

“Mourn with me for what God wrote –

living words lie pallid, strewn,

a tree of life now hacked and hewn,

a tapestry ripped at its seams –

sing requiems for heaven’s dreams.”

But Hope awakens melody

of long-forgotten memory:

“Son of man, o child of woe,

He did not write it to be so.

Can the fallen live again?

(Eternity asks this question.)

Within you is Eden’s crypt,

buried there since Adam slipped.

You carry in you precious seed,

life that’s waiting to be freed.

Will dormant seed burst from its tomb

and new life issue from this womb?

You are animated earth,

a garden ready to give birth.”

May we ever remember that our God crafted life from dust; that in his hands, impossibilities become realities; that through him, even death is but a stepping stone to eternity’s expectancy. Let us never lose heart, never abandon hope, and never give up, for redemption’s story is still being penned within us.

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